

We have strategic alliances with leading companies in their technologies and specializations, empowering and achieving better solutions.
RedHat Alianza Tecnoap
We develop a strong know-how on Red Hat Middleware. An open source ecosystem where we are constantly advancing, building and evolving platforms and components.
An open source ecosystem where progress is constantly being made, building and evolving platforms and components. RedHat is a company with a global presence that initiated an innovative business model, based on the creation of value from the ecosystem composed of the open source community, developers and business partners.
EMG automation GMBH
EMG leverages our more than 20 years of experience at all levels of the steel industry to develop superior solutions.
EMG is a world market leader with more than 60 years of experience, producing continuous strip guiding systems as well as quality assurance systems for industries that process flat products in coils such as the metal, paper and plastics industries. Tecnoap is the representative for Latin America, except Brazil, of all EMG Automation equipment and solutions for the metals industry.
Seeq is our ideal complement to develop new knowledge of production processes, monetizing historical data and resulting in improved decision making.
Seeq was born out of the conviction that manufacturing companies needed better solutions to extract business-relevant knowledge from the data generated by industrial processes. Seeq’s DSE (Decision Support Environment) is a Big Data platform with time series processing support. Tecnoap has the know-how in statistics, signal processing and machine learning to develop the analytical models needed to put predictive analytics to work.
LDV - Systeme has been a world market leader for more than 20 years in the steel, aluminum and automotive industries and their suppliers, as well as for manufacturers of auto parts and interiors.
Through its Lighting Systems, iLux-Lichtsysteme® and its laser speed meter called Velemeter®, enable manufacturers to meet the stringent quality requirements of the automotive industry. Tecnoap is the representative for Latin America.
SR-Instruments is the world's leading technology and market leader in hole detectors said by steel and aluminum companies themselves.
It currently markets third-generation Detmaster® solutions and has replaced numerous traditional line systems. Parallel development projects are carried out with steel and paper and board manufacturers. Tecnoap is the representative for Latin America.